Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Guide To Choosing A Leash For Your Dog

The best possible leash to get is one of flat leather or nylon webbing, preferably half inch wide or more. You may have to shop around to get, for pet stores and department stores go in heavily for fancy and useless plastic leashes, thin leather ones and even chains. Avoid all of these.

Any very thin leash of any material will cut into your hands if you have to use any force on it (and sooner or later you will). Make sure it is of good leather or solid webbing, with a loop, big enough to get your hand through and firmly stitched at the other end from the snap.

The snap is important too. There are two good kinds, one with a sliding rod at the side of the snap held firmly in place by a spring, and one which has two curved metal hooks which slide along side each other to make a secure catch for the ring of the collar. Avoid completely the fancier snaps you will see on some leashes, especially the kind that comes apart at the tip of the snap and is held together by a spring.

Six feet is exactly the right length for a leash, regardless of the size of you or the dog. In fact, some city ordinances require leashing at all times in public, and that the leash shall be no longer than six feet. Do not waste money on anything longer at present with the idea of giving him a little more freedom, as you and he will get all tangled up in it. The longer canvas leashes you may see in pet stores are for tracking, where considerable length is required.

The new retractable leashes are perfect for small and medium size dogs. The nylon lead is rolled up and housed in a casing that you can hold. Most brands are available in six foot lengths by a one button braking and locking mechanism. This is intended as a general guide to help you make a logical selection, with an strong emphasis on quality and strength above all else.

Randy Jones and his partner Brent Jones have been in the pet industry for a long time. Recently they formed http://Joncopets.com. On the site, customers can shop for the latest dog collars, dog clothes, pet supplies and more. Check them out at http://www.joncopets.com.

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